Hello guys,
i have a problem to run the pubsub tutorial project in rosjava. I build rosjava_core successfully and followed this tutorial http://docs.rosjava.googlecode.com/hg/rosjava_core/html/getting_started.html but the step "Executing nodes" doesn't work for me unfortunatelly. The build process (../gradlew installApp) runs without any errors (only a warning "bootstrap class path not set in conjunction with -source 1.6") but there is no path "/rosjava_tutorial_pubsub/bin/rosjava_tutorial_pubsub" in directory build. Even the executable nodes (Talker and Listener) cannot be found anywhere in the project. Maybe the tutorial isn't up to date here?
Originally posted by ChrisEule on ROS Answers with karma: 26 on 2012-07-13
Post score: 0