Hi all,
I have a robot which is running ROS electric. On my macbook pro instead I have compiled Rviz fuerte (under osx Lion).
I set the ROS_MASTER on my mac and I'm able to communicate with the ROS Master.
Now on rViz I'm can read all the topics (so I see the robot moving, the laser scans and so on). I can also read the topics by means of rostopic echo
However I can't write on topics. More in details:
- When I send a 2D nav goal from Lion I can see the message with
on my mac but not on the robot. - If I try to send a 2D nav goal from ubuntu in virtual machine (still on my mac) I can see the message with
on the robot by not on Lion.
Is it a known bug? Or isn't possible to have rviz (fuerte) working with rosmaster (electric)?
Originally posted by LucaGhera on ROS Answers with karma: 128 on 2012-06-08
Post score: 0