I'm trying to simulate a tricycle robot using Gazebo that comes with ROS. I know how to create the simulation model that, however I've been unable to control the robot's movement. From what I've understood from the tutorials and forums, I need to create a plugin. To do so, I've tried to follow this tutorial: http://ros.org/wiki/simulator_gazebo/Tutorials/GazeboPluginIntro . However, I've been unable to compile the simple_world_plugin.
Does anyone know of a better step by step tutorial regarding this issue?
Thank you for your attention.
Originally posted by jplpinto on ROS Answers with karma: 1 on 2012-06-08
Post score: 0
Original comments
Comment by Stefan Kohlbrecher on 2012-06-08:
Are you on ROS electric or fuerte? The plugin API changed between versions, so that could explain your error.
Comment by jplpinto on 2012-06-08:
I'm currently using diamondback. Which one should i use for this tutorial!?