I just updated ROS to Fuerte few days ago. And here were some problems I got when using Gazebo.
My first question is that I can't rotate the object in gazebo. For example:
When I clicked on the pr2, I could drag the square to move it. But I couldn't find the ring around it, which I could drag and rotate the model.
My second question is that I can't put a bowl on the table:
I first inserted table.model, and then inserted bowl.model. And I tried to put it on the table. The bowl would either fly away or fall down to the ground. Here I say "fall down" doesn't mean that it will go through the table top. In fact, it just reappeared on the ground and started swinging, as if it fell from some where above. In addition, the swing would not stop, may also be some problem for the physics engine.
My last question is that I can't spawn model using the launch files in gazebo_world package:
When I do the following:
roslaunch gazebo_worlds coffee_cup.launch
I can't see the object. I tried to select it from the side column "Models". I see where it is... And the I tried to move it. However, when I pulled it up, it just floated in the air and never dropped down.
Appreciation for any help
Originally posted by Albert K on ROS Answers with karma: 301 on 2012-05-22
Post score: 0