I am trying to install the object recognition stack on Ubuntu 11.10 / ROS Electric. I started with looking at https://github.com/wg-perception/recognition_kitchen where the Readme tells me that for Electric, I should rather look at https://github.com/wg-perception/ros-object_recognition. I am wondering whether installation can be done any easier?
Compiling ros-object_recognition
In my ROS workspace, I add to my .rosinstall file
- git: {
local-name: ros-object_recognition,
uri: 'git://github.com/wg-perception/ros-object_recognition.git',
version: master
and let rosinstall clone ros-object_recognition into my workspace
$ rosinstall .
$ source setup.bash
$ roscd ros-object_recognition
There are 186 packages to build on my machine (I tripled my 2 GB RAM on my notebook for this task). I had all the system dependencies installed previously. Note that I got ros-object_recognition at 56f07e1653bbf816e2f709d502b51cfd56e4ca9a.
$ rosmake
Resulting in
In member function
‘void tabletop::TableVisualizationMsgAssembler::addConvexHullTable(const Table&)’:
After patching the broken commit (e-mail me for a patch in case), compilation stopped with another error:
$ rosmake object_recognition_core
cd /home/julius/ros/ros-object_recognition/object_recognition_core && ./pypath.sh #create a soft link to our python path
+ find lib/python2.7 -path *ecto -print0
+ libname=lib/python2.7/dist-packages/ecto
+ dirname lib/python2.7/dist-packages/ecto
+ libname2=lib/python2.7/dist-packages
+ ln -sf lib/python2.7/dist-packages pyshared
cd /home/julius/ros/ros-object_recognition/object_recognition_core
&& cp -fr ./pyshared/object_recognition_msgs/* ../object_recognition_msgs/src/object_recognition_msgs
cp: target `../object_recognition_msgs/src/object_recognition_msgs' is not a directory
Being adventurous, I took the straight-forward approach to create the missing directory
$ roscd object_recognition_msgs
$ mkdir -p src/object_recognition_msgs
Compilation now succeded
[ rosmake ] Results:
[ rosmake ] Built 186 packages with 0 failures.
Initializing and tracking a template plane
So I went over to learning a reference frame (a step necessary to learn models from objects) as described in http://ecto.willowgarage.com/recognition/release/latest/capture/index.html#orb-template .
$ roscore
$ roslaunch openni_launch openni.launch
Before running anything, I sourced into another environment just because paths weren't set and env.sh is apparently setting some paths.
$ roscd object_recognition_core
$ source env.sh
$ rosrun object_recognition_core orb_template.py -o ~/template_plane
This worked pretty well and the template plane was robustly tracked with or without object placed upon the plane.
$ rosrun object_recognition_core orb_track.py --track_directory ~/template_plane
Works like a charm, really.
Capturing model data
Now following http://ecto.willowgarage.com/recognition/release/latest/capture/index.html#platform-specific-instructions, I proceeded to capture a model by
$ rosrun object_recognition_core capture -i ~/template_plane --seg_z_min 0.01 -o a.bag
Unfortunately, I am running out of luck here and happen to run into some Python path troubles
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/julius/ros/ros-object_recognition/object_recognition_core/bin/capture",
line 70, in <module>
File "/home/julius/ros/ros-object_recognition/object_recognition_core/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/capture/openni_capture.py",
line 81, in create_capture_plasm
from ecto_ros import Mat2Image, RT2PoseStamped
ImportError: cannot import name Mat2Image
Inspecting the python path, I can see
Manually looking into what is available
$ sudo apt-get install ipython
$ ipython
> from ecto_ros import Mat2Image
# ImportError: cannot import name Mat2Image
> from ecto_ros.ecto_ros import Mat2Image
# works!
It looks weird to me that ecto_ros is a module within ecto_ros. Am I doing something wrong here? Did I miss to include paths? Or are there some inconsistencies in the python scripts which do not show up when compiling packages? How to resolve this problem?
$ roscd object_recognition_core
$ cd lib/python2.7/dist-packages
$ vim capture/openni_capture.py
Now changing the import line results is progress:
- from ecto_ros import Mat2Image, RT2PoseStamped
+ from ecto_ros.ecto_ros import Mat2Image, RT2PoseStamped
Now capture fails at a later point in execution:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/julius/ros/ros-object_recognition/object_recognition_core/bin/capture",
line 70, in <module>
File "/home/julius/ros/ros-object_recognition/object_recognition_core/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/capture/openni_capture.py",
line 97, in create_capture_plasm
delta_pose = ecto.If('delta R|T', cell=capture.DeltaRT(angle_thresh=angle_thresh,
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'DeltaRT'
Now grepping for DeltaRT in dist-packages gives
$ grep "DeltaRT" -r .
Binary file ./capture/ecto_cells/capture.so matches
and grepping in object_recognition_core
$ grep "DeltaRT" -r .
./build/source/capture/cells/CMakeLists.txt: DeltaRT.cpp
./build/source/capture/cells/DeltaRT.cpp: struct DeltaRT
... and ...
$ nm -C lib/python2.7/dist-packages/capture/ecto_cells/capture.so | grep "DeltaRT"
ros-object_recognition uses Boost Python and from what I see, I guess that DeltaRT.cpp is compiled into capture.so and accessed via some Python-C++ bindings.
$ ipython
> import capture
> help(capture.DeltaRT)
# AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'DeltaRT'
$ import capture.ecto_cells.capture
$ help(capture.ecto_cells.capture.DeltaRT)
# works
Fixing the offending lines in in openni_capture.py by
import capture
+import capture.ecto_cells.capture
- delta_pose = ecto.If('delta R|T', cell=capture.DeltaRT(angle_thresh=angle_thresh,
+ delta_pose = ecto.If('delta R|T', cell=capture.ecto_cells.capture.DeltaRT(angle_thresh=angle_thresh,
Now I can successfully run (the calibration markers are recognized)
$ rosrun object_recognition_core capture --preview
or with the textured template plane (mentioned above)
$ rosrun object_recognition_core capture --preview -i ~/template_plane
works quite well and an object placed on the plane is also automatically segmented from the background.
The Ultimate Question
Can this be done with less effort, less cursing, and less hacking? Have I done something wrong? Is ros_object-recognition intended to be used in ROS Electric? Or can I call it a day and be happy that I have managed to install ECTO object recognition on my machine?
Originally posted by Julius on ROS Answers with karma: 960 on 2012-04-17
Post score: 4