Hi, I'm trying to make the turtlebot_ineractive_markers and I cant. the error I get is:
In file included from /home/albert/ros_diamondback/interactive_markers/src/interactive_marker_server.cpp:32:0: /home/albert/ros_diamondback/interactive_markers/include/interactive_markers/interactive_marker_server.h:35:56: fatal error: visualization_msgs/InteractiveMarkerUpdate.h: No such file or directory compilation terminated.
Which means that I need to copy the interactive_marker_server.h to /home/albert/ros_diamondback/interactive_markers/include/interactive_markers/
The question is: where do I find this document?
Originally posted by apalomer on ROS Answers with karma: 318 on 2011-11-03
Post score: 0