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I am trying to get working the following simulation tutorial. I have electric on 10.04


When I perform the "rosmake teleop_base" I get the following flavor of error.

Failed to find stack for package [control_toolbox] Failed to load rosdep.yaml for package [control_toolbox]:Cannot locate installation of package control_toolbox: [rospack] couldn't find package [control_toolbox]. ROS_ROOT[/opt/ros/electric/ros] ROS_PACKAGE_PATH[/home/swords/ros_workspace:/opt/ros/electric/stacks:/home/swords/ros_workspace/teleop_base]

Appreciate some help on this.


Originally posted by osuairt on ROS Answers with karma: 69 on 2011-10-16

Post score: 0


1 Answer 1


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To answer my own question. Simply remove reference to the control_toolbox dependency in the manifest.

Originally posted by osuairt with karma: 69 on 2011-10-16

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 0

Original comments

Comment by tfoote on 2011-10-18:
The other option is to install the control_toolbox package. But if the dependency is unneeded it should be removed from the tutorial code. If you could please file a ticket to get this fixed so it can be fixed for other future users.

Comment by Saphrosit on 2012-10-22:
How do you know the dependence is not needed? However, if you want to install it you can find it there: https://code.ros.org/svn/wg-ros-pkg/stacks/pr2_controllers/tags/electric/control_toolbox/


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