I'm not entirely familiar with how the rosinstall files are supposed to look, but it looks like the gen_rosinstall.py file is generating invalid rosinstall files.
1.) If I just run rosinstall from the site directly, I get the error:
ahhhhhhhh, yaml parse error: mapping values are not allowed here in "", line 5, column 8
2.) If I download the empty file, I needed to remove the spaces between the key and value pairs on line 5.
I.e. Line 5 Goes from: [{'svn': {'local-name': 'ros', 'uri': 'https://code.ros.org/svn/ros/stacks/ros/tags/ros-1.4.6'}}, {'svn': {'local-name': 'ros_comm', 'uri': 'https://code.ros.org/svn/ros/stacks/ros_comm/tags/ros_comm-1.4.5'}}]
To: [{'svn':{'local-name':'ros', 'uri':'https://code.ros.org/svn/ros/stacks/ros/tags/ros-1.4.6'}}, {'svn':{'local-name':'ros_comm', 'uri':'https://code.ros.org/svn/ros/stacks/ros_comm/tags/ros_comm-1.4.5'}}]
3.) Then, the first 4 lines are:
Do the parsing
Check if rosdistro exists
Check if stack exists
Check if variant exists
I had to remove these also from my rosinstall file that I had saved.
Is this a bug? Should I register this with the bug-tracker?
Originally posted by John Hoare on ROS Answers with karma: 765 on 2011-04-07
Post score: 0