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Hi all, When i run the navigation using costmap2d, i see the laser scan in rviz, but do not see any inflated obstacles. Rviz shows the grid cell messages are being published , and upon checking , /move_base/local_costmap/inflated_obstacles message is published with an empy cell array:

header: seq: 578 stamp: secs: 1300546886 nsecs: 279417959 frame_id: odom cell_width: 0.0500000007451 cell_height: 0.0500000007451 cells: []

Upon using rxconsole under ros.costmap2d debug mode i see this statement: Polygon lies outside map bounds, so we can't fill it. Since no path is planned, move_base enters clear/recovery mode. Any suggestions?

Originally posted by hitesh on ROS Answers with karma: 55 on 2011-03-19

Post score: 0


1 Answer 1


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This likely means that the robot is not localized properly in the map. The "Polygon lies outside of map bounds" error means that the costmap is trying unsuccessfully to rasterize the footprint of the robot into a grid. This normally occurs when the robot is positioned at (0, 0) in the grid before being localized. Have you made sure to set the initial pose for AMCL using rviz as described here: http://www.ros.org/wiki/navigation/Tutorials/Using%20rviz%20with%20the%20Navigation%20Stack?

Originally posted by eitan with karma: 2743 on 2011-03-22

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

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