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Is there a way to extend the bag file format with a description field that explains how the data was achieved/recorded. Or at least a link to a document that gives this details. I was thinking of something like:

rosbag record /tf -m "this was recorded for IROS paper 2011 with <settings> active and female test person, more info in bag_specs.txt"

Or even a:


Perhaps there is such a functionality that I'm not aware of? (and no I don't want to be putting this into a topic which is also recorded)

Originally posted by KoenBuys on ROS Answers with karma: 2314 on 2011-03-10

Post score: 0


1 Answer 1


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How do I go further in implementing such functionality? Is there interest from WG to give support? Do I file a ticket?

Originally posted by KoenBuys with karma: 2314 on 2011-03-15

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 0

Original comments

Comment by Tim Field on 2011-03-25:
Please open a ticket and we can discuss the feature there. Thanks.

Comment by KoenBuys on 2011-03-16:
This would indeed be my next question, how should we implement this?

Comment by Tim Field on 2011-03-16:
A ticket would be good; a patch better. We've held off on implementing this as there's room for abusing the feature, but it's been demanded enough and is useful in enough circumstances that I think we should pull the trigger. I like your -m option.


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