I would like to know if it is possible to control a robot (applying force on joints with a c++ algorithm) in gazebo without ros to make a lot a simulations. In order to try evolutionary or reinforcement learning algorithms (could requires 500 000 simulations for instance). Usually, I use only a low level physic engine like ODE in C++ to skip any unnecessary computations.
I have access to an URDF model. Is it possible to import it in gazebo without ROS ?
It is not clear to me how to apply force/torque on a robot. I saw that I can use Player or ROS in tutorials. However I also saw that there is an external API on physics engines.
What would be the fastest/lightweight method?
Thank you.
Originally posted by matthieu637 on Gazebo Answers with karma: 3 on 2015-09-04
Post score: 0