I've been trying to attach a static model to a link of a mobile robot. Somehow this is completely ignored by gazebo and I don't know why. Please see the code below:
physics::WorldPtr world = physics::get_world();
physics::ModelPtr test_model = world->GetModel("test_model");
physics::LinkPtr link = model->GetLink("link3");
math::Pose pose;
Originally posted by Max Stähr on Gazebo Answers with karma: 16 on 2013-02-20
Post score: 0
Original comments
Comment by ffurrer on 2013-02-20:
in what context are you doing this? in a plugin? maybe you could provide us with a file that we could test with.
Comment by Max Stähr on 2013-02-21:
I cant upload a file because of my insufficient karma < 10.
Comment by Max Stähr on 2013-02-21:
The code is called within the ConnectWorldUpdateStart callback, so it should been updated in every simulation cycle. Is there another way to provide you the file?
Comment by ffurrer on 2013-02-21:
yes, pastebin.com should work, in the case you can't put the link in directly just use some spaces in the link :S. Is there a reason why you're not using SDF for that matter? Do you want to change the attachment state during runtime? Otherwise you can use something like in this tutorial: http://gazebosim.org/wiki/Tutorials/1.4/build\_robot/attach\_gripper
Comment by Max Stähr on 2013-02-27:
I've just added the file. Can you see the problem?
Comment by Max Stähr on 2013-02-27:
I've just added the file. Can you see the problem?