I have a Raspberry Pi hooked up to a Roomba 560's serial port. While going over the spec, I noticed movement controls weren't as simple as I expected. I can't send bytes larger than 255, but, according to the spec, to go straight I have to send 8000. How does this work?
EDIT: My solution was the following three functions:
import serial
import time
def start():
#Open serial connection
global ser
ser = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyUSB0', 115200)
# this is the defualt Roomba baud rate
# Start SCI - puts into safe mode
# Enable the safe mode
# this is required or the command may fail
# This makes the serial command fit the big-endian notation
def make4(num):
num = num[2:]
z2a = 4-len(num)
for q in range(z2a):
num = '0' + num
return '\\x'+num
def move(vel, rad):
# Init move command
# velocity
vhex = hex(vel)
vhex = make4(vhex)
vrad = hex(rad)
vrad = make4(vrad)
# send to roomba