Assuming an industrial robot performs a PTP movement with a speed of 100% for each joint, it often happens that the joints never reach 100% of speed because the torque limits of the actuators are violated and the movement stops.
My approach was to get the torques at each joint with the general equation of motion using reverse Newton-Euler-Algorithm (RNEA):
$T = M(q)*\ddot q + C(q,\dot q)\dot q + G(q)$. With $\dot q$ being the the joint velocity. My idea was to convert this equation so that it calculates the velocity. But I'm not sure if that is even possible.
Basic Algorithm idea: Iterating over each torque the robot would reach when performing the movement to identify the point where it reaches its maximum. Using this maximum torque to calculate the corresponding maximum velocity. Also I'm not sure if maximum torque equals maximum velocity.
Is there an approach that delivers the maximum reachable velocity for a PTP-Movement before the actual movement starts to avoid an error?