Consider the following rotation matrices:
$^{a}R_{b}$, $^{a}R_{c}$ and $^{a}R_{d}$
in which
- $^{x}R_{y} \in SO(3)$ describes the orientation of a generic frame $y$ wrt the coordinates system of another frame $x$
- $a$ represents the fixed world frame
- $b$, $c$ are two different fixed
- $d$ is a rotating frame
- all frames shares the same origin $o \in R_{3}$ (i.e. no translations involved)
$$$$ What is the geometric meaning, if any, of computing the following operation: $\overline{R} \text{ } = \text{ } ^{a}R_{b} \text{ } \cdot \text{ } ^{c}R_{d}$ ?
( $^{c}R_{d} \text{ } = \text{ } ^{a}R_{c}^{T} \text{ } \cdot \text{ } ^{a}R_{d}$ )
$$$$ Can we say that $\overline{R}$ represents the orientation of frame $d$ wrt world frame $a$, computed considering that the change in orientation between $c$ and $d$ is the same change in orientation as between $b$ and $d$?
Does this make any sense from a mathematical and/or geometric point of view?