I am watching the (fantastic) SLAM lectures of Claus Brenner, where he introduces the Bayes-Filter (Kalman-Filter, Particle-Filter, Histogram-Filter).
He says, that the prediction step involves the convolution of distributions and the correction step a multiplication of distributions (link). $$\text{prediction: }p(x)=\sum_y p(x\mid y)p(y)$$ $$\text{correction: }p(x\mid z)=\alpha p(z\mid x)p(x)$$ My problem is with the convolution. It makes sense the way he derives it, but I cannot make the connection to the standard definition of convolution as give, e.g. at Wikipedia:
$$p(Z=z) = \sum_{k=-\infty}^\infty p(X=k)p(Y=z-k)$$
Is this a mistake in the video, or am I missing something? It just looks like the law of total probability.