I have a /scan topic coming from a 2D lidar scanner.
The task is to receive a mapping of the dynamic environment. It is assumed that the position of the scanner is always known, so localization is not required. Another simplification is that the scanner only moves along the straight line. The laser is suspended and moves to scan the surface under it in 2D plane, then the 2D plane is converted to 1D array of object heights.
I successfully used SLAM packages like gmapping and slam_toolbox to receive /map topic. But the functionality they provide appears to be superfluous for this application. In fact, the main problem it solves to localize robot and build a map is absolutely redundant in this application. Plus, gmapping provides a static map, and slam_toolbox life-long mapping is in experimental stage. Another solution was to create a map from point cloud of the raw scan, but I don't want to reinvent the wheel and deal with potential complications like noise, etc.
I'm looking for any ideas for algorithms, or ready to go packages. The final result should be a 2D array or /map topic (if there is an implementation in ROS).
Any ideas, concepts or references are very welcome!