at the moment I am creating an android program, that will steer my simple, 3 wheel (2 motors, 1 for balance) robot to move online following the path drawn by user on his screen. The robot is operated through WiFi and has 2 motors that will react on any input signals.
Imagine user drawing a path for this robot on smartphone screen. It has aquired all the points on XY axis, every time beginning with (0,0). Still I have no idea, how to somehow "convert" just points, into voltage input to both motors. Signals will be sent in approx. 60Hz connection, so quite fast. Maybe not every single axis point will be taken into consideration, there will be surely some skips, but that is irrelevant, since this path does not have to be done perfectly by the robot, just in reasonable error scale.
Do you have any idea on how to make the robot follow defined axis points that overall create a path?
Edit 10.01:
The voltage will be computed by the robot, so input on both is between -255 and 255 and the velocity should increase or decrease lineary in those borders. Additionaly, I would like to solve it as if there were perfect conditions, I don't need any feedback crazy models. Let's assume that all the data is true, no sensors and additional devices. Just XY axis path and required input (ommit wheel slide too).