What method is “better” for solving inverse kinematics for a robot arm: matrix algebra or trigonometry?
To define “better”:
- efficiency/performance vs memory usage
- generality (how well can it be adapted to different arm configurations)
I know trigonometry/geometric methods get very complicated when solving for more that a few DOF so matrix algebra would probably be the best solution there.
But for 2-3 DOF robot arms which method is preferred?
Update: As others have pointed out and more research has showed me, using matrix algebra compared to trigonometry for increase kinematics doesn’t affect performance. They are just different methods of setting up and solving the inverse kinematic equations. Once you solve the IK equations using either of these methods, it’s implemented the same way in the code. I think I prefer the matrix method for solving IK because it’s a little more general that trigonometry, it scales to more joints more easily, and I’m already using matrices for forward kinematics so it provides a better symmetry.