Initially we started with 3-DOF. We checked collisions in the c-space and it worked well. With 6-DOF we're having problems. Any ideas about how to check collisions for a 6-DOF robotic arm?
--Edit I'm going to clarify my needs. I have a algorithm based on a hybrid architecture (PRM + Q learning) that plan trajectories. As some of you now, when building the roadmap using a PRM algorithm, you need to sample configurations (series of 6 angles for a 6R 6DOF robot in my case as we are working in the configuration space). You have to check if these configurations lead to a collision or not. If not you add them to the roadmap. My problem is with the part where i need to check if a configuration leads to a collision. At first, when we were testing for a 3R 3DOF robot, we had a brute-force method that worked pretty well but i'm not going into the details here unless some of you are interested. This method didn't work for a 6R robot for many reasons. What i need is a check-collision function that takes into account the kinematics of my robot and the environment in order to calculate if a configuration leads to a collision or not. Thanks in advance.