I am reading this paper: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/224635390_The_motion_control_problem_for_the_CyberCarpet
in which is implemented a cartesian regulator to bring the position $(x,y)$ to $(0,0)$. I have built it as in the paper, so with velocity inputs, and the output is the following:
the final velocities has to be zero, and since I can only control position and orientation, I think it is correct that I get the plot on the right.
The problem is a posture regulatoin prolem. If we consider for example a unicycle, we have that the desired behavior is the following:
so with this type of controller the unicycle is driven to the origin.
from here: https://people.kth.se/~dimos/pdfs/IET15_Zambelli.pdf
where $R$,$\gamma$ and $\delta$ are the polar coordinates for the system. $\gamma$ can be defined as a pointing error, and $\delta$ is the orientation on the final position.
I use polar coordinates, because I have read in many papers that in this way we can use Lyapunov function to find the controller.
The controller is the following(written in a Simulink block):
temp = x^2+y^2;
%polar coordinates
R = sqrt(temp);
gamma = atan(tan(y/x))-theta;
delta = gamma + theta; %not used now
sinc = sin(gamma)*sign(cos(gamma));
%linear and angular velocity
if R == 0
% steering velocity
omega = k_1*R*sinc;
omega = k_1*sin(gamma)*sign(cos(gamma));
inputs = [v;omega];
which is obtained throgh feedback linearization, but it can also be obtained using a Lyapunov method.
Now, I am trying to go a little furhter, and instead of using velocity inputs, I would like to use acceleration inputs. What I have done is the following:
I have defined v
and omega
as states of the system, and I have built a cascade controller. So, to the controller I hve just added these lines:
a = k_2*(v-v_s); %linear acceleration
alpha = k_2*(omega-omega_s); %angular acceleration
inputs = [a;alpha]; %acceleration inputs
where v_s
and omega_s
are now the linear and angular velocities, which are states now and v
and omega
are now the desired linear and angular velocity respectively. And the model of the system (written in nother Simulink block) becomes:
x_dot = -v_s*cos(theta)+y*omega_s;
y_dot = -v_s*sin(theta)-x*omega_s;
theta_dot = omega_s;
theta_w_dot = -omega_s;
v_dot = a;
omega_dot = alpha;
state_dot = [x_dot;y_dot;theta_dot;v_dot;omega_dot]; %out of the block I integrate this and send it back as [x;y;theta;v;omega], which are the states of the system
and if I do so, now I get the following plots:
so it diverges in practically everithing!
I don't understand what I am doing wrong. For the definition of the acceleration inputs I am trying to follow this paper, which is for a uniccyle but it should be similar, since they are both non-holonomic systems: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/276184094_Stabilized_Feedback_Control_of_Unicycle_Mobile_Robots (at pag. 4)
My final objective is actually to build a controller for this system that converges both in position and orientation, so apply the concept written in the latter paper, at pag.3, to my system of study.
But I think now that the problem lies in the definition of the acceleration law.
Can somebody please help me understand what I am doing wrong?
[EDIT]If I try to substitute gamma = atan(tan(y/x))-theta;
with gamma = atan2(y,x)-theta;
I get:
which I think it is a little better then before, even if the acceleration profile is a bit weird I think.
Could you give me some help understanding if up to now I have done somehting wrong? The acceleration profile that I get seems to be not really ok to me, what do you think?
[EDIT] I wrote sinc
as an abbreviation for sin*cos
, sorry for the confusion, when I wrote it I really wasn't thinking about the sinc function.