I'm studying motion control and I start with the simplest case, I have to go from A to B in a straight line using a trapezoidal motion profile.
I understand that in a real case, due to the fact that the controller is discrete I need a position/velocity feedback to reach the desidered position with a good accuracy.
Reading some books I found that the most common control scheme is the one below, in which there are a controller for position, velocity and current (torque).
The questions I have is:
-> How can I use the control scheme with a given motion profile (for instance the trapezoidal) ?
I'm sure it's very trivial but I cannot solve.
At the time being, I understand that if I define the desired position for instance B (in the control scheme) I cannot use a custom motion profile but I'm restricted to the one the control system provide. So for instance if I'm in the deceleration stage (of the trapezoidal profile) the position/velocity/acceleration profiles will be provided by the control scheme and not but my needs.
I feel that what I understand is not correct but I don't know why: practically how to merge the two concepts.