I am trying to implement an Extended Kalman filtering for combining IMU data and visual odometry in a simple 2D case where I have a robot that that can only accelerate in its local forward direction which is dictated by its current heading (theta). I am restricting IMU readings to a single acceleration reading (a) and a single angular velocity reading (omega). Visual odometry will only provide a single angular displacement as well as displacement in the u and v directions (x and y relative to the robot). The equations for the derivation of my state transition matrix are
$$ x_{k+1} = x_k + \dot{x_k}\Delta T + 0.5a \cdot cos(\theta) \Delta T^2 $$ $$ y_{k+1} = y_k + \dot{x_k}\Delta T + 0.5a \cdot sin(\theta) \Delta T^2 $$ $$ \theta_{k+1} = \theta_k + \dot{\theta} \Delta T $$ $$ \dot{x_{k+1}} = \dot{x_{k}} + a \cdot cos(\theta) \Delta $$ $$ \dot{y_{k+1}} = \dot{y_{k}} + a \cdot sin(\theta) \Delta $$ $$ \dot{\theta_{k+1}} = \dot{\theta_{k}} $$ $$ \dot{\dot{x_{k+1}}} = \dot{\dot{x_{k}}}$$ $$ \dot{\dot{y_{k+1}}} = \dot{\dot{y_{k}}}$$
and the equations that I use to obtain the measurements are
$$ \Delta x = \dot{x} \Delta T + 0.5 \dot{\dot{x}} \Delta T^2 $$ $$ \Delta y = \dot{y} \Delta T + 0.5 \dot{\dot{y}} \Delta T^2 $$ $$ \Delta u = \Delta x \cdot cos(\theta) + \Delta y \cdot sin(\theta) $$ $$ \Delta v = -\Delta x \cdot sin(\theta) + \Delta y \cdot cos(\theta) $$ $$ \Delta \theta = \dot{\theta} \cdot \Delta T $$ $$ a = \dot{\dot{x}} \cdot cos(\theta) + \dot{\dot{y}} \cdot sin(\theta) $$ $$ \omega = \dot{\theta} $$
To calculate the Jacobian of the measurement function I used the following MATLAB code
deltaX = xDot*t + 0.5*xDotDot*(t^2);
deltaY = yDot*t + 0.5*yDotDot*(t^2);
deltaU = deltaX * cos(theta) + deltaY * sin(theta);
deltaV = -deltaX * sin(theta) + deltaY * cos(theta);
deltaTheta = thetaDot*t;
accel = xDotDot*cos(theta) + yDotDot*sin(theta);
omega = thetaDot;
jacobian([accel, omega, deltaU, deltaV, deltaTheta], [x, y, theta, xDot, yDot, thetaDot, xDotDot, yDotDot])
To test my implementation I am creating test data from random acceleration and angular velocity values. I am plotting the trajectory calculated from this as well as from the trajectory calculated directly using the odometry values and the IMU values. I am then comparing this with the odometry estimated by my Kalman filter.
The Kalman filter has been implemented without any control values and is combining all the sensor reading into a single measurement vector.
To test if the filter has any hope of working, I first tested it without any added measurement noise but the outcome is fairly crazy as can be seen in
where it can also be seen that using both sensor readings on their own without the filter produces the exact trajectory. This simulation, including my Kalman filter was implemented with the following Python code
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from random import *
# Sampling period
deltaT = 1
# Array to store the true trajectory
xArr = [0]
yArr = [0]
thetaArr = [0]
# Array to store IMU measurement
imuA = []
imuOmega = []
# Current state variables
x = 0
y = 0
theta = 0
x_dot = 0
y_dot = 0
# Arrays to store odometry measurements
odoU = []
odoV = []
odoTheta = []
# Setup simulated data
for i in range(100):
# Calculate a random forward (u-axis) acceleration
a = uniform(-10, 10)
# Calculate the change in global coordinates
deltaX = (x_dot * deltaT) + (0.5 * a * np.cos(theta) * deltaT**2)
deltaY = (y_dot * deltaT) + (0.5 * a * np.sin(theta) * deltaT**2)
# Update the velocity at the end of the time step
x_dot += a * np.cos(theta) * deltaT
y_dot += a * np.sin(theta) * deltaT
# Update the current coordinates
x += deltaX
y += deltaY
# Store the coordinates for plotting
# Calculate local coordinate odometry
odoU.append(deltaX * np.cos(theta) + deltaY * np.sin(theta))
odoV.append(-deltaX * np.sin(theta) + deltaY * np.cos(theta))
# Calculate a random new angular velocity
theta_dot = uniform(-0.2, 0.2)
# Calculate the change in angular displacement
deltaTheta = theta_dot * deltaT
# Update the angular displacement
theta += theta_dot * deltaT
# Calculate the trajectory from just the odometery
xArr2 = []
yArr2 = []
x = 0
y = 0
theta = 0
for i in range(100):
deltaU = odoU[i]
deltaV = odoV[i]
deltaTheta = odoTheta[i]
x += deltaU * np.cos(theta) - deltaV * np.sin(theta)
y += deltaU * np.sin(theta) + deltaV * np.cos(theta)
theta += deltaTheta
# Calculate the trajectory from just the IMU readings
xArr3 = []
yArr3 = []
x = 0
y = 0
theta = 0
x_dot = 0
y_dot = 0
theta_dot = 0
for i in range(100):
# Calculate the change in global coordinates
a = imuA[i]
deltaX = (x_dot * deltaT) + (0.5 * a * np.cos(theta) * deltaT**2)
deltaY = (y_dot * deltaT) + (0.5 * a * np.sin(theta) * deltaT**2)
# Update the velocity at the end of the time step
x_dot += a * np.cos(theta) * deltaT
y_dot += a * np.sin(theta) * deltaT
# Update the current coordinates
x += deltaX
y += deltaY
# Store the coordinates for plotting
# Calculate the change in angular displacement
theta_dot = imuOmega[i]
theta += theta_dot * deltaT
# Estimate the true trajectory with a Kalman filter
# State matrix
X_k_min = np.array([
[0], # x
[0], # y
[0], # theta
[0], # x_dot
[0], # y_dot
[0], # theta_dot
[0], # x_dot_dot
[0] # y_dot_dot
# State covariance matrix
P_k_min = np.zeros((8, 8))
# State transition matrix
A = np.array([
[1, 0, 0, deltaT, 0, 0, 0.5*deltaT**2, 0],
[0, 1, 0, 0, deltaT, 0, 0, 0.5*deltaT**2],
[0, 0, 1, 0, 0, deltaT, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, deltaT, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, deltaT],
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]
# Process covariance matrix
Q = np.eye(8)
# Measurement vector
## 0: a (forward acceleration)
## 1: omega (angular velocity)
## 2: deltaU (local x displacement)
## 3: deltaV (local y displacement)
## 4: deltaTheta (local angular displacement)
# Measurement covariance matrix
R = np.eye(5)
# Function to calculate the measurement function Jacobian
def CalculateH_k(X, t):
theta = X[2, 0]
xDot = X[3, 0]
yDot = X[4, 0]
xDotDot = X[6, 0]
yDotDot = X[7, 0]
return np.array([
[0, 0, yDotDot * np.cos(theta) - xDotDot * np.sin(theta), 0, 0, 0, np.cos(theta), np.sin(theta)],
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0],
[0, 0, np.cos(theta) * ((yDotDot * t**2) / 2 + yDot * t) - np.sin(theta) * (
(xDotDot * t**2) / 2 + xDot * t), t * np.cos(theta), t * np.sin(theta), 0, (t**2 * np.cos(theta)) / 2, (
t**2 * np.sin(theta)) / 2],
[0, 0, - np.cos(theta) * ((xDotDot * t**2) / 2 + xDot * t) - np.sin(theta) * (
(yDotDot * t**2) / 2 + yDot * t), -t * np.sin(theta), t * np.cos(theta), 0, -(t**2 * np.sin(theta)) / 2, (
t**2 * np.cos(theta)) / 2],
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, t, 0, 0]
# Measurement function
def Measure(X):
theta = X[2, 0]
xDot = X[3, 0]
yDot = X[4, 0]
thetaDot = X[5, 0]
xDotDot = X[6, 0]
yDotDot = X[7, 0]
deltaX = xDot * deltaT + 0.5 * xDotDot * (deltaT**2)
deltaY = yDot * deltaT + 0.5 * yDotDot * (deltaT**2)
deltaU = deltaX * np.cos(theta) + deltaY * np.sin(theta)
deltaV = -deltaX * np.sin(theta) + deltaY * np.cos(theta)
deltaTheta = thetaDot * deltaT
accel = xDotDot * np.cos(theta) + yDotDot * np.sin(theta)
omega = thetaDot
return np.array([
xArr4 = []
yArr4 = []
for i in range(100):
a = imuA[i]
omega = imuOmega[i]
# Setup the observation matrix
Z_k = np.array([
# Calculate the estimated new state
X_k = A.dot(X_k_min)
# Calculate the estimated new state covariance matrix
P_k = A.dot(P_k_min).dot(np.transpose(A)) + Q
# Find the measurement Jacobian at the current time step
H_k = CalculateH_k(X_k_min, deltaT)
# Calculate the Kalman gain
G_k = P_k.dot(np.transpose(H_k)).dot(np.linalg.inv(H_k.dot(P_k).dot(np.transpose(H_k)) + R))
# Calculate the improved current state estimate
X_k = X_k + G_k.dot(Z_k - Measure(X_k_min))
# Calculate the improved current state covariance
P_k = (np.eye(8) - G_k.dot(H_k)).dot(P_k)
xArr4.append(X_k[0, 0])
yArr4.append(X_k[1, 0])
# Make the current state the previous
X_k_min = X_k
P_k_min = P_k
plt.plot(xArr, yArr, linewidth=3)
plt.plot(xArr2, yArr2)
plt.plot(xArr3, yArr3)
plt.plot(xArr4, yArr4)
plt.legend(['Ground truth', 'VO', 'IMU', 'Filtered'])
I have double checked everything and just can't figure out what I am doing wrong even though it must be something obvious. Any ideas?