Assuming frame $0$ is the 'absolute frame', if we let $^j P_i$ be the $i^{th}$ position/orientation expressed in the $j^{th}$ coordinate frame, then what you're asking for is the sequence
$$\{(^0P_i)_{i=1 ... N}\},$$
Using your sequence of measurements $\{(x_i, y_i, \theta_i)_{i=1 ... N}\}$, it's straightforward to compute the $i^{th}$ 2-D transformation matrix,
$$^i_{i+1} T = \begin{pmatrix}
\cos \theta_i & -\sin \theta_i & x_i\\
\sin \theta_i & \cos \theta_i & y_i \\
0 & 0 & 1
And since you have all of them, use the fact that
$$^0_i T = ^0_1T ^1_2 T ... ^{i-1}_i T,$$ then just iterate through to list to compute each translation matrix and compute the data you're interested in. Note that you have to append a $1$ to each $P_i$ to make the 3x3 multiplcations work out (as noted in the reference):
$$^0P_{i+1} = ^0_i T ^i P_{i+1}$$
Hopefully that's helpful. Here's a video explaining frame transformations, that I often refer back to. It's really easy to get lost in notation.
EDIT: To compute the orientation of the $i^{th}$ coordinate, you can use the rotational component of the $^0_iT$ translation matrix, since you have the cos and sin of the angle in entries (1,1) and (2,1), just use the atan2
function to pull out $\theta$. Make sense?