Currently working on a quadcopter simulation. I have a desired thrust vector,
t =sin(30)cos(45)a1+sin(30)sin(45)a2+cos(30)a3
and desired yaw angle,
psi = 45.
Because we are working with an under-actuated system, I am trying to solve for the rotation matrix that aligns the vector:b3 = [0,0,1] (direction of thrust in the body-fixed frame of reference) with the direction of t. Here is my code:
t = [sind(30) * cosd(45), sind(30) * sind(45), cosd(30)];
b3 = [0;0;1];
psi = 45;
syms phi theta;
eqn = [[cosd(psi)*cosd(theta)-sind(phi)*sind(psi)*sind(theta), -
cosd(phi)*sind(psi), cosd(psi)*sind(theta)+cosd(theta)*sind(phi)*sind(phi);
cosd(theta)*sind(psi)+cosd(psi)*sind(phi)*sind(theta), cosd(phi)*cosd(psi),
-cosd(phi)*sind(theta), sind(phi), cosd(phi)*cosd(theta)]
* b3 == t/norm(t)];
S = solve(eqn,[phi theta]);
The problem is that it outputs an empty symbolic struct, with no warnings or errors otherwise:
What I am doing wrong? It is an issue with my theory, my implementation, or both?