I'm using the telemetry kit from 3DR robotics (433MHz) to interface with Ardupilot Mega 2.6, controlling a quadcopter. The Mission Planner (v1.2.84) by Michael Oborne works well with the telemetry kit, transmitting flight data (IMU, compass, GPS etc.) from the quadcopter to the GCS and displaying them in their GUI.
However, I would like to see the same data in the hyperterminal (windows system). The radio receiver on the GCS connects to my PC through a USB drive. I have tried calling the remote radio station using all possible Baud rates, starting from 110 to 921600 (including 57600). I've set the data bits to 8 and stop bits to 1. 'None' for parity and flow control.
However, all that I ever get on my terminal is either gibberish or no data at all. I also tried burning this software to the radio receiver and tried using AT commands on the radio.
It connects OK with '+++', but keeps returning error for AT1, ATT etc.
Please give me an idea about how to get flight data at the hyperterminal.