I am using two sensors each connected to different machine (each machine separately runs Ubuntu 16.04 and ROS Kinetic). When I echo topic
on these two machines, I see the time stamps in header of messages are different. Even though they are running at the same time. So I faced issues in synchronizing topics recorded on different machines.
Machine 1:
sec 4583 | nsec 855689180
Machine 2:
sec 1570727234 | nsec 4864000
It seems that the time stamp on machine 1 is based on sim_time
. Machine 2 is showing a Posix/Unix
time stamp. So on machine 1, I issued the command rosparam set /use_sim_time false
. Still when I fire the node on machine 1, time stamp starts from zero which is sim_time
What I need is to get all time stamps in unix/posix format (10 digit).
P.S. the node running on Machine 1 is OS-1 Lidar Ros Driver