You made a simple mistake while calculating the derivative.The equation is:
$\vec{OP}= OP_s \vec {i_s} + P_sP \vec {j_s}$
The derivative should be $\partial \vec{OP}/ \partial t =\partial({OP_s}\vec {i_s})/\partial t + \partial (P_sP \vec {j_s})/\partial t = \partial({OP_s}\vec {i_s})/\partial t $ but it's given that $d\vec{OP_s} / dt = \partial ({OP_s}\vec {i_s}) /\partial t = \dot s \vec {i_s}$.
Now for the second term:
$\partial (P_sP \vec {j_s})/\partial t = (\partial P_sP/ \partial t) \vec{j_s} + (P_sP) \partial \vec {j_s} / \partial t$
So you have $ (\partial P_sP/ \partial t) \vec{j_s} = \dot d \vec{j_s}$
And $ P_sP \partial \vec {j_s} / \partial t = d (\partial \vec {j_s} / \partial s) * \partial s/ \partial t = d \partial \vec {j_s} / \partial s * \dot s$. to calculate the derivative of the normal vector at that point you can check out this book eq. (3.4) and (3.6), added to this you curve is planar and the vectors $\vec {i_s}, \vec {j_s}$ are in the same plane so you end up to eq. (4.1) which is the eq. you where searching for.