I was wondering if any robotics engineers around would kindly, provide suggestions on the following:
I was recently hired by a company that wants to implement a robotic solution in manufacturing for a client. It is companies first time venturing into robotics and I am the robotics intern (I recently graduated). They want me to construct a ROS compatible collaborative antropomorphic robotic arm from scratch in four months with a very limited budget (under 10000 USD). I've observed that such kinds of robot arms at the very minimum cost about 30000 USD. And based on a little research my conservative estimate of designing such an arm is more than 30000 USD (assuming if we choose off the shelf solutions such as modular robotic joints with in-built sensors). Additionally, looking at the history of the state-of-art cobots, I've come to realize that it took many years of research and design to come up with such perfection.
As I've understood, the budget and time-frame sounds preposterous, maybe I am wrong. I want to give them a practical time-frame and estimated cost with sound reasoning, because so far they don't seem to be convinced by my reasoning. So anyone who has had experience in designing industrial robot, could kindly answer the following for me:
Is it really possible to design industrial robots in such a time frame? How much time does it usually take to design such a robot usually by a seasoned robotics engineer?
What kind of costs should I bear in mind other than just the cost of individual components?
Are there any constraints/risks (other than time and money) that I haven't foreseen that one could tell me?
Any suggestions are appreciated. Thanks in advance.