
I'm working on project with ROS2swarm pkg (https://github.com/ROS2swarm/ROS2swarm) As I'm trying to start the basic simulation provided with the package I ran into the error

LookupError: Could not find the resource 'tf_exchange' of type 'packages'

I tried to search for the missing package and couldn't find it, as for foxy there is no ros-foxy-tf but there is ros-foxy-tf2 anyway after I installed tf2 looked through the pkg list and couldn't find any tf_exchange pkg? Any ideas? or is there a tf_exchange pkg in the first place, googled it but couldn't find any.


1 Answer 1


There was a solution, for anyone wondering it's here: https://github.com/ROS2swarm/ROS2swarm/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aclosed


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