I modeled the following robot with an urdf file. Thanks to a robot state publisher, i have access to the static tfs between camera_link and base_link.
I'm using orb_slam3 library as SLAM algorithm. This algorithm gives me a tf between the camera_link and to camera_link at time 0 (i call it "cam0"). My question is the following : How to convert this tf to a tf between base_link and map ?
I tried lookup for the tf between camera_link and base_link, and then do :
tf_map_base_link = tf_base_link_camera_link * tf_cam0_camera_link
But when I set "tf_cam0_camera_link" to the identity tf, compute "tf_map_base_link" and publish it as a tf between map and base_link, I visualize the following on rviz :
As you can see, camera_link and map frames are now superimposed. I don't understand why.
Here is my tf tree :
Can you help me ? Cheers