
In ROS1, you could include other launch files and pass them args with pass_all_args=true.

How do you pass args to an included launch file in ROS2? Also, is there a way to do this with the .yaml launch files?

I tried

  # include MAVROS ardupilot launch
  - include:
      file: "$(find-pkg-share mavros)/launch/apm.launch"
      pass_all_args: true

But it said "ValueError: Unexpected key(s) found in `include`: {'pass_all_args'}"


1 Answer 1


I got it.

  # include MAVROS ardupilot launch
  - include:
      file: "$(find-pkg-share mavros)/launch/apm.launch"
            name: "fcu_url"
            value: "udp://:14553@"
            name: "respawn_mavros"
            value: "true"
  • $\begingroup$ close the question by accepting your own answer. $\endgroup$
    – Scoeerg
    Commented Jul 3 at 9:45

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