I am using gyroscope only to get real time angles as I move the IMU using a micro controller.
I am able to get angles at a pretty decent accuracy(2 to 3 degree error). I am using quaternions for obtaining angles.
The angles are with respect to the initial position of the IMU.
I rotate the IMU around individual axis i.e around any one Axis at a time, I get good accuracy. But when I rotate around all axis at once the problem starts as stated below.
The problem here is when I give a pitch and then yaw all seems fine. Now at this position of pitch and yaw, I give a roll, the other two angles also change.
The gyroscope gives raw angular rate in DPS, which is converted to radian/sec for processing. The quaternions are calculated from raw angular rate.
The code to convert quaternions to euler angles is as follows,
//Local variables for clarity
fqw = gsangleparam.fquaternion[0];
fqx = gsangleparam.fquaternion[1];
fqy = gsangleparam.fquaternion[2];
fqz = gsangleparam.fquaternion[3];
//Calculate Angles*/
gsangles.yaw = atan2(2 * (fqx*fqy + fqw*fqz), (fqw*fqw + fqx*fqx - fqy*fqy - fqz*fqz)) * 180/PI;
gsangles.pitch = asin(-2 * (fqx*fqz - fqw*fqy)) * 180/PI;
gsangles.roll = atan2(2 * (fqy*fqz + fqw*fqx), (fqw*fqw - fqx*fqx - fqy*fqy + fqz*fqz)) * 180/PI;
The Problem of roll is present only when initial position(and also 180 deg counterpart) is as follows:
X - Facing left
Y - Facing towards us
Z - Facing UP
The problem is, When I give a pitch(around X here),yaw(around Z) and then roll(around Y here) or any sequence of roll pitch and yaw, then yaw changes.
In fact whenever I rotate about Y axis(roll here), Yaw(around Z) changes.
There is no problem when the initial position is(and also 180 deg counterpart) as follows,
X - Facing away from us
Y - Facing towards us
Z - Facing UP
There is no problem. i.e When I give a pitch(around Y here),yaw(around Z) and then roll(around X here) or any sequence of roll pitch and yaw, there is no problem.
Why is this happening?? can anyone please explain. Thanks in advance.