%PREDICT Apply odometry model for differential drive robot.
% calculates the final pose and final pose covariance matrix given
% a start pose, a start pose covariance matrix and the angular wheel
% displacements in ENC. PARAMS contains the robot model and the
% error growth coefficients.
% Input arguments:
% R : differential drive robot object with start pose R.X, R.C
% ENC : structure with fields
% ENC.PARAMS.KL: error growth coefficient of left wheel
% ENC.PARAMS.KR: error growth coefficient of right wheel
% with unit in [1/m].
% ENC.STEPS(i).DATA1: angular displacements of left wheel
% ENC.STEPS(i).DATA2: angular displacements of right wheel
% in [rad] and monotonically increasing
% PARAMS.B : wheelbase in [m]. Distance between the two wheel
% contact points
% PARAMS.RL: radius of left wheel in [m]
% PARAMS.RR: radius of right wheel in [m]
% Output arguments:
% R : differential drive robot object with final pose R.X, R.C
% FXR : 3x3 process model Jacobian matrix linearized with
% respect to XROUT
% PATH : array of structure with fields PATH(i).X (3x1) and
% PATH(i).C (3x3) which holds the poses and the pose
% covariance matrices over the path
% The function implements an error model for differential drive
% robots which models non-systematic odometry errors in the wheel
% space and propagates them through the robot kinematics onto the
% x,y,theta-pose level.
% Reference:
% K.S. Chong, L. Kleeman, "Accurate Odometry and Error Modelling
% for a Mobile Robot," IEEE International Conference on Robotics
% and Automation, Albuquerque, USA, 1997.
% See also SLAM.
% v.1.1, ~2000, Kai Arras, ASL-EPFL, Felix Wullschleger, IfR-ETHZ
% v.1.2, 29.11.2003, Kai Arras, CAS-KTH: toolbox version
function [r,Fxr,path] = predict(r,enc)
When I try to run this complete code, it asks me to input values for R and Enc. I am not sure whether they are just one digit values or a matrix. Can anyone help me by looking at the description in the code, what kind of input is required.