I am trying to use gz harmonic with ros2 humble, and I am stuck on rviz2 part. Gazebo and ros_gz_bridge are working well, and I am able to visualize the topics in rviz2 but not the model meshes. I am unable to use the sdf file (especially with the model mesh) to visualize in the rviz2. I am trying to do something similar like this
But meshes is not showing up in the rviz2, and instead, it gives the following error
[rviz2-3] [WARN] [1713168099.058171328] [sdformat_urdf]: SDFormat link [imu_link] has a <sensor>, but URDF does not support this
[rviz2-3] [WARN] [1713168099.058197635] [sdformat_urdf]: SDFormat link [camera_link] has a <sensor>, but URDF does not support this
[rviz2-3] [ERROR] [1713168099.084138711] [rviz2]: Error retrieving file [model://robot/meshes/base.stl]: Protocol "model" not supported or disabled in libcurl
Any idea how to modify the sdf file such that it can be used as a single file for gazebo and rviz2?