
I installed Ubuntu 22.04 on a rpi4(2gb) from Raspberry Pi's images. I have installed libcamera from Raspberry Pi github and built rpicam-apps from source.

Now, my problem is how to know if it has worked. My main pc still runs Ubuntu 20.04/Noetic, so it can't talk to Humble on the rpi4. What is the simplest way to see if ROS2 can send video to a topic?


1 Answer 1


I found a solution:

Install camera_ros from https://github.com/christianrauch/camera_ros/tree/main

Run the node:

ros2 run camera_ros camera_node --ros-args -p width:=640 -p height:=480

Use topic to check that video is being published:

ros2 topic hz /camera/image_raw

This is a round about route to showing the camera is working, but the usual tools like guvcview don't seem to work with libcamera, and the rpicam tools don't either.


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