please excuse if i did not find the correct Thread with a similar problem. After multiple days searching for an answer i decided to post my concrete question.
My setup: Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS ROS2 Foxy Gazebo 11.13.0 installed via sudo apt-get -y install ros-foxy-gazebo
Inside my URDF File i configured ros2_control as follows:
<ros2_control name="GazeboSystem" type="system">
<!-- <plugin>test_system</plugin> -->
<joint name="Joint11_Grundplatte_Bizeps1">
<command_interface name="position">
<!-- <param name="min">-0.5236</param> <!-- -0.5236 = -30° -->
<param name="max">1.3963</param> <!--1.3963 = +80° -->
<state_interface name="position"/>
I also added the gazebo_ros2_control plugin to the URDF file:
<plugin filename="" name="gazebo_ros2_control">
<parameters>$(find model_picker_description)/config/picker_controllers.yaml</parameters>
And thats the used config file picker_controllers.yaml
update_rate: 10 # Hz
#use_sim_time: True
#Publisher für Joint states
type: joint_state_broadcaster/JointStateBroadcaster
#"forward_position_controller" ist ein "single joint"-controller aus dem package "ros2_controllers". Ich denke der ist richtig für mich.
type: forward_command_controller/ForwardCommandController
#Für den ForwardCommandController sind das alle möglichen Parameter.
joints: Joint11_Grundplatte_Bizeps1
interface_name: position
Now lets get into the issue: I am starting my Simulations within two steps. First Step starts gazebo with an empty world. Second Step spawns my Models, starts Nodes, ... . During the First Step everything is fine. In my second Step when using the ros2_control hardware plugin gazebo_ros2_control/GazeboSystem im getting the following error:
[ros2_control_node-2] terminate called after throwing an instance of 'pluginlib::LibraryLoadException'
[ros2_control_node-2] what(): According to the loaded plugin descriptions the class gazebo_ros2_control/GazeboSystem with base class type hardware_interface::SystemInterface does not exist. Declared types are fake_components/GenericSystem test_hardware_components/TestSystemCommandModes test_hardware_components/TestTwoJointSystem test_system
[ERROR] [ros2_control_node-2]: process has died [pid 26536, exit code -6, cmd '/opt/ros/foxy/lib/controller_manager/ros2_control_node --ros-args --params-file /tmp/launch_params_h9xe6lfo --params-file /home/Stefan/share/ros2_ws_raf/install/model_picker_description/share/model_picker_description/config/picker_controllers.yaml'].
In the CLI where gazebo with the empty world starts in Step 1 i am also getting the following error:
[gzserver-1] [ERROR] [1701789856.549460633] [gazebo_ros2_control]: parser error Couldn't parse params file: '--params-file $(find model_picker_description)/config/picker_controllers.yaml'. Error: Error opening YAML file, at /tmp/binarydeb/ros-foxy-rcl-yaml-param-parser-1.1.14/src/parser.c:198, at /tmp/binarydeb/ros-foxy-rcl-1.1.14/src/rcl/arguments.c:388
In my gzserver Log-Files (~/.gazebo/server-11345$ nano default.log) there is no error message:
Gazebo multi-robot simulator, version 11.13.0
Copyright (C) 2012 Open Source Robotics Foundation.
Released under the Apache 2 License.
(1701789841 86590197) [Msg] Waiting for master.
(1701789841 95590670) [Msg] Connected to gazebo master @
(1701789841 95688797) [Msg] Publicized address:
(1701789841 327159780) [Msg] Loading world file [/home/Stefan/share/ros2_ws_raf/install/raf_gazebo/share/raf_gazebo/worlds/]
(1701789841 393870146) Init world[default]
When i search for the gazebo_ros2_control package i find inside /opt/ros/foxy/share/gazebo_ros2_control/gazebo_hardware_plugins.xml
<library path="gazebo_hardware_plugins">
I am just a beginner but this tells me, that the plugin should be available.
I also added the path to the plugin into the environment variable "GAZEBO_PLUGIN_PATH", but nothing changed.
So at this point i’m totally confused, because in my opinion the interfaces aren’t missing. I am trying to use the gazebo_ros2_control/GazeboSystem for the control of revolute Joints of a Delta Picker.
Can anyone help me out? Any hint is appreciated. Thanks alot in advance.
P.S. If any further documentation or log-files are needed just say so - i’m quiet new to this.
Yours sincerely
Additional Information after initial Post:
Code of Launch-File #1:
First Launch-File "
" starts gazebo with an empty world:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
from ament_index_python.packages import get_package_share_directory
from launch import LaunchDescription
from launch.actions import DeclareLaunchArgument
from launch.actions import IncludeLaunchDescription
from launch.launch_description_sources import PythonLaunchDescriptionSource
from ament_index_python.packages import get_package_prefix
def generate_launch_description():
pkg_gazebo_ros = get_package_share_directory('gazebo_ros')# Get the Path to Package "gazebo_ros". Evtl. anderer Package Name notwendig (vllt. "ros-foxy-gazebo")
pkg_box_bot_gazebo = get_package_share_directory('raf_gazebo') # Get the Path to Package "raf_gazebo".
#We get the whole install dir
#We do this to avoid having to copy or softlink manually the packages so that gazebo can find them
description_package_name = "raf_gazebo"
install_dir = get_package_prefix(description_package_name) # Get the Path to the Install directory of the Packages "raf_gazebo"
# Set the path to the WORLD model files. Is to find the models inside the models folder in raf_gazebo package
gazebo_models_path = os.path.join(pkg_box_bot_gazebo, 'models') # Generating the Path "gazebo_models_path" by appending 'models' to 'pkg_box_bot_gazebo'
# os.environ["GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH"] = gazebo_models_path
if 'GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH' in os.environ: #Add Gazebo Model Path to "GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH". So Gazebo can load the models. Otherwise gazebo is not able to find them.
os.environ['GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH'] = os.environ['GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH'] + ':' + install_dir + '/share' + ':' + gazebo_models_path
os.environ['GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH'] = install_dir + "/share" + ':' + gazebo_models_path
if 'GAZEBO_PLUGIN_PATH' in os.environ: #Add Gazebo Plugin Path to "GAZEBO_PLUGIN_PATH". So Gazebo can load the plugins. Otherwise gazebo is not able to find them.
os.environ['GAZEBO_PLUGIN_PATH'] = os.environ['GAZEBO_PLUGIN_PATH'] + ':' + install_dir + '/lib'
os.environ['GAZEBO_PLUGIN_PATH'] = install_dir + '/lib'
print("Path pkg_gazebo_ros==", pkg_gazebo_ros)
print("GAZEBO_MODELS_PATH=="+str(os.environ["GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH"])) #Visualize Generated Path to check them if they are right.
print("GAZEBO_PLUGINS_PATH=="+str(os.environ["GAZEBO_PLUGIN_PATH"])) #Visualize Generated Path to check them if they are right.
# Gazebo launch. Setting Path to Launch File we want to start. "We want to start the File in the directory launch from the package "pkg_gazebo_ros" ""
gazebo = IncludeLaunchDescription(
os.path.join(pkg_gazebo_ros, 'launch', ''),
# # gazebo Version from the gazebo_ros2_control_demos -> Beispiel. -> Macht keinen Unterschied.
# gazebo = IncludeLaunchDescription(
# PythonLaunchDescriptionSource([os.path.join(
# get_package_share_directory('gazebo_ros'), 'launch'), '/']),
# )
return LaunchDescription([
#Setting "our" world "" as world we want to launch
default_value=[os.path.join(pkg_box_bot_gazebo, 'worlds', ''), ''],
description='SDF world file'),
Code of Launch-File #2:
Second Launch file "
" starts a robot_state_publisher node to publish urdf description of my model and a (normally redundant) controller manager:
# This launch will:
# Publish the content of the URDF in the robot_description topic using the "robot_state_publish_node"
# Publish the static transforms between links with the "robot_state_publish_node"
import os
from ament_index_python.packages import get_package_share_directory
from launch import LaunchDescription
from launch.substitutions import Command
from launch_ros.actions import Node
#Added because of ros2_control
from launch.substitutions import FindExecutable, LaunchConfiguration, PathJoinSubstitution
from launch.conditions import IfCondition
from launch.actions import DeclareLaunchArgument
from launch_ros.substitutions import FindPackageShare
from launch.actions import TimerAction #Für die Verzögerung des Controller_Manager notwendig
# this is the function launch system will look for
def generate_launch_description():
##### DATA INPUT START #####
urdf_file = 'model_picker.urdf'
package_description = 'model_picker_description'
##### DATA INPUT END #####
print("Fetching URDF ==>")
robot_desc_path = os.path.join(get_package_share_directory(package_description), "urdf", urdf_file)
with open(robot_desc_path, 'r') as urdf_file:
urdf_file_content =
# print("urdf_file_content enthält:")
# print(urdf_file_content)
# print("Hier ist was in robot_desc_path steht:")
# print(robot_desc_path)
#Robot State Publisher Command(['xacro', str(robot_desc_path)]
robot_state_publisher_node = Node(
parameters=[{'use_sim_time': True, 'robot_description': urdf_file_content}],
#Added because of ros2_control
#Pfad zur "picker_controller.yaml" raussuchen und in die Variable "picker_controller" packen
path_picker_controller_config = PathJoinSubstitution(
controller_manager_node = Node(
parameters=[{'use_sim_time': True, 'robot_description': urdf_file_content}, path_picker_controller_config],
"stdout": "screen",
"stderr": "screen",
delayed_controller_manager = TimerAction(period=10.0, actions=[controller_manager_node]) # Verzögert die Ausführung des Controller manager Nodeu m 3 Sekunden. Notwendig, damit robot state publisher vorher fertig ist. Sonst startet der Controller Manager nicht und nichts funktioniert.
#create and return launch description object
return LaunchDescription(
ros2 launch gazebo_ros2_control_demos
ros2 run gazebo_ros2_control_demos example_position
It works fine. The Cart moves along the Line. $\endgroup$