I'm facing an issue with controlling a robot in Gazebo using ROS 2 and ros2_control. I'm running ROS 2 with the Humble distribution on Ubuntu 22.04. I have installed the necessary packages including ros2_control, gazebo_ros2_control, and others.
I am trying to test using a default package just to show my errors. The errors I encounter are
robotics$ ros2 run controller_manager spawner test_controller
[INFO] [1699614834.933186665] [spawner_test_controller]: Waiting for '/controller_manager' node to exist [INFO] [1699614836.952766939] [spawner_test_controller]: Waiting for '/controller_manager' node to exist [INFO] [1699614838.971527756] [spawner_test_controller]: Waiting for '/controller_manager' node to exist [INFO] [1699614840.991855230] [spawner_test_controller]: Waiting for '/controller_manager' node to exist [ERROR] [1699614843.012806033] [spawner_test_controller]: Controller manager not available [ros2run]: Process exited with failure 1
robotics$ ros2 run controller_manager controller_manager
No executable found
robotics$ ros2 run controller_manager ros2_control_node
and here to list the packages i have
robotics$ ros2 pkg list | grep ros2_control
robotics$ ros2 pkg list | grep controller_manager
robotics$ ros2 pkg executables controller_manager
controller_manager ros2_control_node
controller_manager spawner
controller_manager unspawner
I tried solutions suggested in the link, but still no use.