I'm still new to docker and am mainly looking for some helpful resources/steps/etc. for setting up a docker image that can run ROS2 with Rviz and Gazebo that does not rely on any Nvidia harware or software.
I'm using a Dell XPS Plus 9320, with a Mesa Intel® Graphics (RPL-P).
The system is using the following image: Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS
OS type : 64-bit
I have used the following Docker Images to see if I can setup Rviz or Gazebo:
- osrf/ros : humble-desktop-full
- osrf/ros : iron-desktop-full-jammy
I know there are some images on docker that can do what I am looking for but my main goal is to learn how to use the docker images from the main ROS Docker Repos and build upon them to best work with my system.
Please let me know if I should add any additional information.