I embarked on a final year project to build a robot powered by ROS 2, despite my initial lack of familiarity with the framework. I'm inspired by the TurtleBot and plan to incorporate ROS 2 Navigation 2 (nav2) and other autonomous navigation features into my robot's design. The robot features triple omni wheels, which presented a challenge. I couldn't find existing URDF files online that matched my wheel configuration, and I lack the expertise to create them myself.
To begin, I decided to set up ROS 2 on a Raspberry Pi and Arduino Mega for my robot. My goal was to establish basic control using a joystick. However, I hit another roadblock. I couldn't find any ros2_control demo packages or examples that matched my wheel configuration.
My question is whether there's a straightforward approach for sending X and Y speed variables from the Raspberry Pi to the Arduino and receiving position coordinates (calculated by the Arduino using encoder values) in return. Alternatively, I'm open to suggestions for a simpler and more effective way to control my robot in this configuration.