
I'm running ROS2 Humble on a mobile Robot using a RPI4, headless. This is my set-up:

  1. mobile Robot using ROS2 Humble on Ubuntu 22.04.2
  2. laptop for development and remote control a) aarch64 compiling inside a docker on main laptop (is faster than on rpi)

This has always worked great and presented no issues, just a hassle moving files after compiling from DEV->BOT

Recently I have set-up a new Wireless AP, also 5.8GHz, but instead of I am now in the subnet.

I can ssh into the rpi, everything is great. Except when I start a ROS node I'm no longer able to see the topics broadcasted on my development machine (laptop).

Both rpi and laptop use: Ubuntu 22.04.2 RMW_IMPLEMENTATION=rmw_cyclonedds_cpp ROS_VERSION=2 ROS_PYTHON_VERSION=3 ROS_DOMAIN_ID=0 ROS_LOCALHOST_ONLY=0 ROS_DISTRO=humble

can ping each other, ufw is configured and I also tried with ufw disabled. Here is the ufw config, enabled on both machines: To Action From

49152/udp ALLOW
49152/udp ALLOW
22/tcp ALLOW
22/tcp ALLOW

I just can't see the topics / services any more. Given the fact the rpi is headless, I can not use rqt_graph on remote, only on local (my dev laptop) but that is not helpful.

And yes, I have sourced the setup.bash and used the same packages on both machines.

remote: 0
local:  0

And then checked RMW

remote: rmw_cyclonedds_cpp
local:  rmw_cyclonedds_cpp

I also checked multicast: Test1 (Fail) remote machine term1: ros2 multicast receive remote machine term2: ros2 multicast send

added ufw rule on both local/remote:

sudo ufw allow in proto udp to
sudo ufw allow in proto udp from

Test2 (Pass) remote machine term1: ros2 multicast receive remote machine term2: ros2 multicast send

Test3 (Fail) local computer: ros2 multicast receive remote machine: ros2 multicast send

Any idea what I'm missing? Ought to be something simple



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