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I 'm using this service server in Python:

#! /usr/bin/env python3
import rospy
from std_srvs.srv import SetBool, SetBoolResponse

class StateController:
    def __init__(self):
        rospy.init_node("state_controller", anonymous=True)
        rospy.Service("validate_vision_info", SetBool, self.validVision)

    def validVision(self, req):
        model_valid = req.data
        rospy.logwarn("Vision Model Validation: {}".format(req.data))
        return SetBoolResponse(success=True, message="")

if __name__ == "__main__":
        controller_ = StateController()

    except rospy.ROSInterruptException:
        logging.error("Error in the State Controller")

And this service client in JavaScript:

import { Ros, Service, ServiceRequest } from "roslib";

class ROSInterface {
    constructor() {
        this.ros = new Ros({
            url: "ws://localhost:9090",

    createService = (service_name, service_type) => {
        let service = new Service({
            ros: this.ros,
            name: service_name,
            serviceType: service_type,
        return service;

    requestService = (params) => {
        let request = new ServiceRequest(params);
        return request;

function validate(val) {
    const service_name = "/validate_vision_info";
    const service_type = "std_srvs/SetBool";
    const iface_ = new ROSInterface();

    const srv = iface_.createService(service_name, service_type);
    const req = iface_.requestService(val);

        (result) => {
        (error) => {


My problem is that: always the service request data is False no matter what is the sent request true or false!

Can you please tell me how can I solve my problem? thanks in advance.

Originally posted by bhomaidan on ROS Answers with karma: 114 on 2023-02-09

Post score: 0


1 Answer 1


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There seems to be a mistake in the way the requestService is written. I think the following will solve the problem.

requestService = (params) => {
    // let request = new ServiceRequest(params);
    let request = new ServiceRequest({data : params});
    return request;

ref : https://docs.ros.org/en/noetic/api/std_srvs/html/srv/SetBool.html

Originally posted by miura with karma: 1908 on 2023-02-11

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 1


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