This is a first pass at adapting the image_geometry code: - very little testing so far though:
std::vector image_points;
cv::Matx33d intrinsic;
cv::Mat distortion;
image_manip::cameraInfoToCV(msg, intrinsic, distortion);
cv::Mat rvec, tvec = cv::Mat_<double>::zeros(3, 1);
cv::Rodrigues(R_.t(), r_vec);
rvec, tvec, intrinsic, distortion, image_points);
Copy of the function code:
// adapted from fromCameraInfo
void cameraInfoToCV(const sensor_msgs::CameraInfo::ConstPtr& msg,
cv::Matx33d& K_, // Describe current image (includes binning, ROI)
cv::Mat_<double>& D_) // Unaffected by binning, ROI - they are in ideal camera coordinates
// TODO(lucasw) this can't be const
auto cam_info = *msg;
cv::Matx34d P_; // Describe current image (includes binning, ROI)
int d_size = cam_info.D.size();
D_ = (d_size == 0) ? cv::Mat_<double>() : cv::Mat_<double>(1, d_size,;
auto K_full_ = cv::Matx33d(&cam_info.K[0]);
// TODO(lucasw) not actually using P_full_
auto P_full_ = cv::Matx34d(&cam_info.P[0]);
// Binning = 0 is considered the same as binning = 1 (no binning).
const uint32_t binning_x = cam_info.binning_x ? cam_info.binning_x : 1;
const uint32_t binning_y = cam_info.binning_y ? cam_info.binning_y : 1;
// ROI all zeros is considered the same as full resolution.
sensor_msgs::RegionOfInterest roi = cam_info.roi;
if (roi.x_offset == 0 && roi.y_offset == 0 && roi.width == 0 && roi.height == 0) {
roi.width = cam_info.width;
roi.height = cam_info.height;
// If necessary, create new K_ and P_ adjusted for binning and ROI
/// @todo Calculate and use rectified ROI
const bool adjust_binning = (binning_x > 1) || (binning_y > 1);
const bool adjust_roi = (roi.x_offset != 0) || (roi.y_offset != 0);
if (!adjust_binning && !adjust_roi) {
K_ = K_full_;
P_ = P_full_;
} else {
K_ = K_full_;
P_ = P_full_;
// ROI is in full image coordinates, so change it first
if (adjust_roi) {
// Move principal point by the offset
/// @todo Adjust P by rectified ROI instead
K_(0,2) -= roi.x_offset;
K_(1,2) -= roi.y_offset;
P_(0,2) -= roi.x_offset;
P_(1,2) -= roi.y_offset;
if (binning_x > 1) {
const double scale_x = 1.0 / binning_x;
K_(0,0) *= scale_x;
K_(0,2) *= scale_x;
P_(0,0) *= scale_x;
P_(0,2) *= scale_x;
P_(0,3) *= scale_x;
if (binning_y > 1) {
const double scale_y = 1.0 / binning_y;
K_(1,1) *= scale_y;
K_(1,2) *= scale_y;
P_(1,1) *= scale_y;
P_(1,2) *= scale_y;
P_(1,3) *= scale_y;
Originally posted by lucasw with karma: 8729 on 2022-10-24
This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site
Post score: 0