I am using ROS to control the Unitree A1,
But when I run the roslaunch command, this error keeps showing.
process[node_lcm_server_running-1]: started with pid [919816] Error: Pthread set sched policy failed. process[unitree_base_node-2]: started with pid [919817] [node_lcm_server_running-1] process has died [pid 919816, exit code 254, cmd /home/user/catkin_ws/devel/lib/unitree_base/lcm_server_running_node a1 highlevel __name:=node_lcm_server_running __log:=/home/user/.ros/log/114485b2-0e2f-11ed-9046-4b1a6b229934/node_lcm_server_running-1.log].
I've read the second log file while the first log isn't even made,
Error: Lock memory failed.
I think the error message is related to the first error message which is exit 254: pthread set sched policy failed.
Is there anybody who have experienced this error or the one similar to this?
Thanks in advance!
Originally posted by mirakim on ROS Answers with karma: 21 on 2022-07-28
Post score: 0