hi, i'm trying to add wheels to base link on rviz, but i can't solve that error RobotModel/StatusError/No transform from [front_left_wheel] to [base_link]
In terminal there is an error too: [ERROR] [1650399488.022787755]: length [{wheel_height}] is not a valid float [ERROR] [1650399488.022818574]: Could not parse visual element for Link [front_right_wheel] [ERROR] [1650399488.022856764]: length [{wheel_height}] is not a valid float [ERROR] [1650399488.022870671]: Could not parse visual element for Link [front_left_wheel]
i wrote codes from github/qboticslabs/qboticslabs_website (In my launch, state_publisher is written)
<xacro:include filename="$(find pan_tilt)/urdf/wheel.xacro" />
<!-- renk tanımlama -->
<material name="Black">
<color rgba="0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0"/>
<material name="White">
<color rgba="1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0"/>
<material name="Red">
<color rgba="0.8 0.0 0.0 1.0"/>
<material name="Blue">
<color rgba="0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0"/>
<property name="M_PI" value="3.1415926535897931" />
<property name="M_PI_2" value="1.570796327" />
<property name="DEG_TO_RAD" value="0.017453293" />
<property name="base_height" value="0.02" />
<property name="base_radius" value="0.15" />
<property name="base_mass" value="5" />
<property name="caster_f_height" value="0.04" />
<property name="caster_f_radius" value="0.025" />
<property name="caster_f_mass" value="0.5" />
<property name="caster_b_height" value="0.04" />
<property name="caster_b_radius" value="0.025" />
<property name="caster_b_mass" value="0.5" />
<property name="wheel_mass" value="2.5" />
<property name="base_x_origin_to_wheel_origin" value="0.25" />
<property name="base_y_origin_to_wheel_origin" value="0.3" />
<property name="base_z_origin_to_wheel_origin" value="0.0" />
<property name="hokuyo_size" value="0.05" />
<macro name="cylinder_inertia" params="m r h">
<inertia ixx="${m*(3*r*r+h*h)/12}" ixy="0.0" ixz="0.0"
iyy="${m*(3*r*r+h*h)/12}" iyz="0.0"
<link name="base_footprint">
<origin xyz="0.0 0.0 0.0"/>
<mass value="0.0001"/>
<inertia ixx="0.0001" ixy="0.0" ixz="0.0"
iyy="0.0001" iyz="0.0"
<origin xyz="0.0 0.0 0.0" rpy="0.0 0.0 0.0"/>
<box size="0.001 0.001 0.001"/>
<gazebo reference="base_footprint">
<joint name="base_footprint_joint" type="fixed">
<origin xyz="0.0 0.0 ${wheel_radius - base_z_origin_to_wheel_origin}" rpy="0.0 0.0 0.0"/>
<parent link="base_footprint"/>
<child link="base_link"/>
<!-- base link -->
<link name="base_link">
<origin xyz="0.0 0.0 0.0"/>
<mass value="${base_mass}"/>
<cylinder_inertia m="${base_mass}" r="${base_radius}" h="${base_height}"/>
<origin xyz="0.0 0.0 0.0" rpy="0.0 0.0 0.0"/>
<cylinder length="${base_height}" radius="${base_radius}"/>
<material name="White"/>
<origin xyz="0.0 0.0 0.0" rpy="0.0 0.0 0.0"/>
<cylinder length="${base_height}" radius="${base_radius}"/>
<gazebo reference="base_link">
<material> Gazebo/White</material>
<!--caster front-->
<link name="caster_front_link">
<origin xyz="0.0 0.0 0.0" rpy="0.0 0.0 0.0"/>
<mass value="${caster_f_mass}"/>
ixx="0.001" ixy="0.0" ixz="0.0"
iyy="0.001" iyz="0.0"
<origin xyz="0.0 0.02 0.0" rpy="${M_PI/2} 0.0 0.0"/>
<sphere radius="${caster_f_radius}"/>
<material name="Black"/>
<origin xyz="0.0 0.02 0.0" rpy="${M_PI/2} 0.0 0.0"/>
<sphere radius="${caster_f_radius}"/>
<joint name="caster_front_joint" type="fixed">
<origin xyz="0.115 0.0 0.007" rpy="${-M_PI/2} 0.0 0.0"/>
<parent link="base_link"/>
<child link="caster_front_link"/>
<gazebo reference="caster_front_joint">
<!--caster back-->
<link name="caster_back_link">
<origin xyz="0.0 0.0 0.0" rpy="0.0 0.0 0.0"/>
<mass value="${caster_b_mass}"/>
ixx="0.001" ixy="0.0" ixz="0.0"
iyy="0.001" iyz="0.0"
<origin xyz="0.02 0.02 0.0" rpy="${M_PI/2} 0.0 0.0"/>
<sphere radius="${caster_b_radius}"/>
<material name="Black"/>
<origin xyz="0.0 0.02 0.0" rpy="${M_PI/2} 0.0 0.0"/>
<sphere radius="${caster_b_radius}"/>
<joint name="caster_back_joint" type="fixed">
<origin xyz="-0.135 0.0 0.009" rpy="${-M_PI/2} 0.0 0.0"/>
<parent link="base_link"/>
<child link="caster_back_link"/>
<gazebo reference="caster_back_link">
<wheel fb="front" lr="right" parent="base_link" translateX="0.0" translateY="0.5" flipY="1" />
<wheel fb="front" lr="left" parent="base_link" translateX="0.0" translateY="-0.5" flipY="1" />
<property name="wheel_height" value="0.02" />
<property name="wheel_radius" value="0.04" />
<property name="wheel_mass" value="2.5" />
<property name="base_x_origin_to_wheel_origin" value="0.25" />
<property name="base_y_origin_to_wheel_origin" value="0.3" />
<property name="base_z_origin_to_wheel_origin" value="0.0" />
<macro name="cylinder_inertia" params="m r h">
<inertia ixx="${m*(3*r*r+h*h)/12}" ixy="0.0" ixz="0.0"
iyy="${m*(3*r*r+h*h)/12}" iyz="0.0"
<xacro:macro name="wheel" params="fb lr parent translateX translateY flipY"> <!-- fb: front back lr: left right-->
<link name ="${fb}_${lr}_wheel">
<origin xyz="0.0 0.0 0.0" rpy="${flipY*M_PI/2} 0.0 0.0" />
<cylinder length="{wheel_height}" radius="${wheel_radius}" />
<material name="Black" />
<origin xyz="0.0 0.0 0.0" rpy="${flipY*M_PI/2} 0.0 0.0"/>
<cylinder length="{wheel_height}" radius="${wheel_radius}" />
<origin xyz="0.0 0.0 0.0"/>
<mass value="${wheel_mass}" />
<cylinder_inertia m="${wheel_mass}" r="${wheel_radius}" h="${wheel_height}"/>
<gazebo reference="${fb}_${lr}_wheel">
<mu1 value="1.0"/>
<mu2 value="1.0"/>
<kp value="10000000.0" />
<kd value="1.0" />
<fdir1 value="1 0 0"/> <!--x ekseni boyunca gideceği için-->
<joint name="${fb}_${lr}_wheel_joint" type="continuous">
<origin xyz="${translateX * base_x_origin_to_wheel_origin} ${translateY * base_y_origin_to_wheel_origin} ${base_z_origin_to_wheel_origin}" rpy="0.0 0.0 0.0"/>
<parent link="${parent}"/>
<child link="${fb}_${lr}_wheel"/>
<axis xyz="0.0 1.0 0.0" rpy="0 0"/> <!-- y'de döeneceği için sadece y'yi serbest bıraktık-->
<limit effort="100.0" velocity="100.0"/>
<joint_properties damping="0.0" friction="0.0" /> <!--damping:sönümleme katsayısı friction:sürtünme-->
<transmission name="${fb}_${lr}_wheel_joint_trans">
<joint name="${fb}_${lr}_wheel_joint" />
<actuator name="${fb}_${lr}_wheel_joint_motor">
###launch# <!--
Originally posted by elif on ROS Answers with karma: 1 on 2022-04-19
Post score: 0