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I have made custom urdf for 6 DOF robot, when I run it it shows this error image description

I have added ros control to this this is the YAML file

robot: #list of controllers joint_state_controller: type: joint_state_controller/JointStateController publish_rate: 50

  type: "position_controllers/JointTrajectoryController"
    - base_link_link_1
    - link_1_link_2
    - link_2_link_3
    - link_3_link_4
    - link_4_link_5
    - link_5_link_6
    base_link_link_1: {p: 100, i: 0.01, d: 1}
    link_1_link_2:    {p: 100, i: 0.01, d: 1}
    link_2_link_3:    {p: 100, i: 0.01, d: 1}
    link_3_link_4:    {p: 100, i: 0.01, d: 1}
    link_4_link_5:    {p: 100, i: 0.01, d: 1}
    link_5_link_6:    {p: 100, i: 0.01, d: 1}

    goal_time: 10.0                  # Override default

  state_publish_rate:  50            # Override default
  action_monitor_rate: 30            # Override default
  stop_trajectory_duration: 0        # Override default

  type: "effort_controllers/JointTrajectoryController"
    - gripper_right_joint
    - gripper_left_joint
    gripper_right_joint: {p: 100, i: 1, d: 10, i_clamp: 1.0}
    gripper_left_joint:  {p: 100, i: 1, d: 10, i_clamp: 1.0}
    goal_time: 3.0
      goal: 0.02
      goal: 0.02

i am used ros noetic

Originally posted by harish556 on ROS Answers with karma: 74 on 2022-01-13

Post score: 0


1 Answer 1


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This error message is coming from gazebo_ros_control, not the standard ros_control node (which is what the yaml file you provided is for.) Notice the param path name the message complains about contains "gazebo_ros_control", not "arm_controller". See #q293830 for an example of how to specify the values in a yaml file.

Originally posted by Mike Scheutzow with karma: 4903 on 2022-01-13

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 2

Original comments

Comment by osilva on 2022-01-13:
Agree with Mike.

Comment by harish556 on 2022-01-14:
thanks for that


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