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I recently found the pilz_industrial_motion_planner, It can plan industrial tipical movements (PTP, LIN and CIRC). Following the MoveIt tutorials pilz_industrial_motion_planner tutorial and the prbt_moveit_config I've managed to work with ompl and pilz_industrial_motion_planner in RVIZ.

As the tutorial explains, using the pilz_industrial_motion_planner with the Python/C++ MoveIt interface is as simple as setting the planner_id to "PTP", "LIN" or "CIRC". The main issue is when you try to work with ompl and pilz_industrial_motion_planner in the same script.

Apparently you can only work with one planning pipeline at a time. When I try to work with the pilz_industrial_motion_planner having set ompl to default I get the following warning: Cannot find planning configuration for group 'robot_1' using planner 'PTP'. Will use defaults instead.

When I set pilz_industrial_motion_planner to default I get the same error the other way (I can only plan with "PTP", "LIN" or "CIRC").

¿I'm mising something or is there a way or a workaround to work with both planning pipelines with the Python/C++ MoveIt interface?

Originally posted by IgnacioUD on ROS Answers with karma: 47 on 2021-04-26

Post score: 1

Original comments

Comment by xxiaoxiong on 2022-05-31:
hi, do you know how to set the pilz as the default planner when there're multiple pipelines, cause in my case, the default planner is always ompl even if i changed the default planner as pilz in the move_group launch file


1 Answer 1


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  1. You need to be on Noetic or later, or build MoveIt from source to use multiple planning pipelines in Melodic or earlier. You already did this (since it works in Rviz), I just want to state it for the record.

  2. You need to use not only setPlannerId (LIN, PTP, CIRC) but also setPlanningPipelineId (pilz_industrial_motion_planner).

If you find that a part of the tutorial is insufficient or an error message is not clear enough, please feel free to submit a pull request to improve it.

Originally posted by fvd with karma: 2180 on 2021-04-26

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 2

Original comments

Comment by IgnacioUD on 2021-04-26:
Hi fvd, as always thank you for your accurate and quick response. I will indeed submit a pull request, a simple example script can be selfexplanatory for such things. ¿Is there a way of changing the planning pipeline using the Python interface?

Comment by fvd on 2021-04-26:
Yes, soon. In the meantime you can use these changes.


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