Hi, everyone ! I've got a question related to Lanelet2 map creation for Autoware.Auto. First of all i created lanelet2 map with Tier4 tool https://tools.tier4.jp/vector_map_builder_ll2/, but when i tried to put it in map loader, it ran into problems and didn't load one.
[ERROR] [lanelet2_map_provider_exe-12]: process has died [pid 29844, exit code -6, cmd '/home/prius/AutowareAuto/install/lanelet2_map_provider/lib/lanelet2_map_provider/lanelet2_map_provider_exe --ros-args -r __node:=lanelet2_map_provider_node -r __node:=lanelet2_map_provider_node -r __ns:=/had_maps --params-file /home/prius/AutowareAuto/install/autoware_auto_avp_demo/share/autoware_auto_avp_demo/param/lanelet2_map_provider.param.yaml'].
I've decide to test my map by replacing the original one in ms3 AVP demo. The way i did it -> I put my own pcd and osm links to map_publisher.param.yaml, map_publisher_vehicle.param.yaml and lanelet2_map_provider.param.yaml. After that i decide to inspect original autonomous_stuff osm map and my one created in tier4 web tool. As i see there are different generator type, version and format.
autonomoustuff_parkin_lot.osm ->
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<osm version='0.6' generator='JOSM'>
<node id='1001' visible='true' version='1' lat='37.38143282929' lon='-121.90825956337'>
<tag k='ele' v='-1.4483755826950073' />
my_own_map.osm (created with Tier4 web tool) ->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<MetaInfo format_version="1" map_version="2"/>
<node id="22" lat="" lon="">
<tag k="mgrs_code" v="99XXX0-2001"/>
<tag k="local_x" v="-111.9826"/>
<tag k="local_y" v="192.4938"/>
<tag k="ele" v="-18.5134"/>
As i found out there is special JOSM editor for Open street maps and lanelet extension for it. I tried to create osm map with JOSM editor. And i'm faced with such issue, every node in original autonomous_stuff.osm map has tags (ele, x, y). When i draw nodes in JOSM these tags don't creating themselves. of course i can create these tags manually, but i don't know what values must be there. Also when i created lanelet map with tier4 web tool these tags was created by default. I thought that i can open my map from josm in https://tools.tier4.jp/vector_map_builder_ll2/ and add these tags in some automatic way, but this tier4 web tool rejects this map for missing ele tags.
Also as i know there is third way to create lanelet2 map, it's autocore.ai MapToolbox, but i hope that first two approaches must be workable. But anyway i'll try to build one more map in this unity extension toolbox.
I've tried to import and export original autonomoustuff_parking_lot.osm in tier4 web tool, after that lanelet map becomes invalid to use in autoware.auto. One more proof of incompatibility.
I've tried to create map in unity editor with autocore-ai map tool for lanelet2 maps. I used autoware_auto branch, and it has bag that not allowed to save map. I changed save function to master branch version and save lanelet map, but in this case resulting map doesn't work with lanelet2_map_provider.
I tried to fix small sample lanelet map in manual way, but there are still error messages in rviz. And no lanelet visualization. ERROR: center_lane_line/1112 Contains invalid floating point values (nans or infs) Yes i inspect map topic, and there is nans in message. But there is no center_line in the map, maybe it creates by map loader, but why in this case it is wrong...
Example of small sample lanelet2 map from tier4 web tool:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<osm generator="VMB">
<MetaInfo format_version="1" map_version="0.6"/>
<node id="1105" visible='true' version='1' lat="55.0067654205581" lon="35.87257570728888">
<tag k="mgrs_code" v="37UCB000000"/>
<tag k="local_x" v="10.8885"/>
<tag k="local_y" v="17.4909"/>
<tag k="ele" v="0.6262"/>
<node id="1106" visible='true' version='1' lat="55.00669333658489" lon="35.87242688136361">
<tag k="mgrs_code" v="37UCB000000"/>
<tag k="local_x" v="1.0159"/>
<tag k="local_y" v="9.8994"/>
<tag k="ele" v="0.1493"/>
<node id="1108" visible='true' version='1' lat="55.00675168351445" lon="35.87259584940539">
<tag k="mgrs_code" v="37UCB000000"/>
<tag k="local_x" v="12.1077"/>
<tag k="local_y" v="15.9054"/>
<tag k="ele" v="0.6262"/>
<node id="1109" visible='true' version='1' lat="55.00667959952578" lon="35.872447021931784">
<tag k="mgrs_code" v="37UCB000000"/>
<tag k="local_x" v="2.235"/>
<tag k="local_y" v="8.3139"/>
<tag k="ele" v="0.1493"/>
<way id="1107" visible='true'>
<nd ref="1105"/>
<nd ref="1106"/>
<tag k="type" v="line_thin"/>
<tag k="subtype" v="solid"/>
<way id="1110" visible='true'>
<nd ref="1108"/>
<nd ref="1109"/>
<tag k="type" v="line_thin"/>
<tag k="subtype" v="solid"/>
<relation id="1111" visible='true' version='1'>
<member type="way" role="left" ref="1110"/>
<member type="way" role="right" ref="1107"/>
<tag k="type" v="lanelet"/>
<tag k="subtype" v="road"/>
<tag k="speed_limit" v="10"/>
<tag k="location" v="urban"/>
<tag k="one_way" v="yes"/>
Still stumped with map creation ...
Originally posted by Aleksandr Savel'ev on ROS Answers with karma: 146 on 2021-04-15
Post score: 4
Original comments
Comment by Josh Whitley on 2021-04-17:
@mitsudome-r Can you provide guidance here?
Comment by Aleksandr Savel'ev on 2021-04-21:
As i see there are another "users" of Autoware.Auto, that are faced with such issue.