I am checkout to setup AVP demo on a new machine. After installing docker/ade I followed the instructions here: https://autowarefoundation.gitlab.io/autoware.auto/AutowareAuto/avpdemo.html
When I try to launch autoware_auto_visualization.launch.py I get the following error:
ros2 launch autoware_auto_launch autoware_auto_visualization.launch.py Package 'autoware_auto_launch' not found: "package 'autoware_auto_launch' not found, searching: ['/opt/AutowareAuto', '/opt/ros/foxy']"
I cannot find the package autoware_auto_launch package anywhere in the repository. Am I missing something?
full logs here: https://gitlab.com/-/snippets/2102902
Originally posted by vrichard on ROS Answers with karma: 108 on 2021-04-08
Post score: 0
Original comments
Comment by vrichard on 2021-04-09:
Eventually I managed ti have it working properly.
For some unknown reason, the file was missing in /opt/AutowareAuto/. I couldn't find it either in my src directory. Maybe I was using an old autoware branch? (but as far as know I am only moving between 1.0.0 and master)
Comment by vrichard on 2021-04-09:
Might be related to https://answers.ros.org/question/375372/autowareauto-master-branch-source-code-failed/