Hello ROS community,
I'm working with a USB2 camera module (Arducam AR0134), for the moment I use some of the constructor libraries to make my publisher and it work good and it gives me also ROS sensor_msgs/image. https://github.com/ArduCAM/ArduCAM_USB_Camera_Shield/tree/master/ROS/arducam_usb2_ros
I'm able to see my image stream with "image_view". And for the moment, I'm trying to add a subscriber in python to recover my images and save it. Since I'm working in this, I'm facing a lot of problems but I resolved the most but without receiving image in my subscriber because of some errors :
When using python I found in ros.tutorial that they use this instruction import roslib, roslib.load_manifest('my_package' ) so in my case I don't knew which kind of package I will use !!!!
Another problem, can we implement a ros publisher for the camera in python and subscriber in cpp !!!
Than you for answer
Originally posted by massyp on ROS Answers with karma: 17 on 2019-05-28
Post score: 0